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This website explains the Settlement, the Settlement Class, and your legal rights and options.
Please read its contents carefully.
You are not being sued.
If you received a notice by mail or email about this Settlement, you have been identified as a member of a class in a purported class action lawsuit.
Specifically, Inflection’s records indicate that you are a member of the Settlement Class which includes all individuals who are members of at least one of the following Groups:
Name & DOB Match Group:
All consumers who were: (1) subject to at least one Inflection report under its SafeDecision brand provided to a third-party from July 20, 2020 to May 30, 2024; (2) which included a criminal record attributed to the consumer; and (3) the consumer’s first name, last name, and date of birth provided to Inflection to conduct the consumer’s screening as indicated on the report did not match the first name, last name, and date of birth fields included on the report for the criminal record.
SOR Reports Group:
All consumers who were subject to at least one Inflection report provided to a third-party indicating that the consumer was listed on a sex offender registry (“SOR Report”) from July 20, 2020 to May 30, 2024.
Successful Disputes Group:
All consumers who were (1) subject to at least one SOR Report from July 20, 2020 to May 30, 2024; (2) where Inflection’s records pertaining to disputes contain codes that Inflection reasonably believes indicate that the consumer may have disputed with Inflection that the sex offender registry record in the SOR Report did not belong to them; and (3) by the date of preliminary approval, Inflection’s records reflect that the consumer’s dispute of the SOR Report was successful.
As a class member, you may be eligible to receive a payment as part of this class action Settlement. This notice describes your rights. Please review it carefully.
If you are not sure whether you are a member of the Settlement Class, you may contact the settlement administrator to ask. The Settlement Administrator may be reached at
Your Legal Rights & Options:
If you do nothing, then you will be bound by the Court’s decisions regarding the Settlement. You will not be able to pursue any potential claims against the Defendant and the Released Parties that have been released as part of the Settlement and agree not to bring any future class action, mass action, representative or other similar joint or collective claims against the Released Parties under FCRA and similar state and local laws. Review the full release, which is available on this website as part of the Settlement Agreement, and includes further information on the Released Parties and released claims. |
Successful Disputes Group If you are in the Successful Disputes group, then you do not need to do anything to receive a payment. If the Settlement is approved, then you will be sent a check. However, for tax purposes, the administrator is requesting that you submit your W9 with your Social Security Number at If you do not do so, your check may be for a smaller amount than it otherwise would be. You may contact the Settlement Administrator via email at to ensure that your most up to date contact information is on file to receive this check. |
SOR Reports and Name & DOB Match Groups If you are in the SOR Reports or Name & DOB Match Groups, then you must complete and return a Claim Form by May 21, 2025 if you want to be eligible for a payment. You can submit or print a claim form at on this website by clicking Submit Claim.
Your mailed or emailed notice will tell you which Group you are in. If you are still unsure of which Group to whom you belong, please consult the notice you received or contact the Settlement Administrator. The settlement administrator may be reached via email at
You can opt-out of the Settlement if you want to maintain any legal rights you may have against Defendant. If you opt-out, you will not be eligible to receive a settlement payment. To opt-out from the Settlement, you must send a written request addressed to the Settlement Administrator and state that you wish to be excluded from the Settlement and include the information discussed in more detail in this Notice. The opt-out deadline is May 21, 2025. |
You have the right to write to the Court to object to the Settlement if you believe it is unfair. You would remain a part of the Class and be bound by the Court’s decisions regarding the Settlement. You must include the information discussed in more detail in this Notice. The objection deadline is May 21, 2025. |